(094) 902 4699
Breaffy Road,
Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23WF99
Former Student
Former Student
John O’Keefe, Fellow of the Royal Society, FMedSci
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre
University College London
John O’Keefe, Fellow of the Royal Society, FMedSci
Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre
University College London
Parent of Four Students
Parent of Four Students
’Aistear’ means ‘ Journey ‘ and offers new approaches and methodologies that allows children learn in an active,
engaged and integrated way through play. The children experience this form of teaching and learning in the infant classrooms as well as in the Aistear room which is located in the old school beside the Library.
Depending on the theme of Aistear, different subjects, strands and skills of the infant curriculum are integrated and taught during the play sessions.
In Breaffy School this iniative is led by the Deputy Principal Mairead Murphy. Teachers of up to second class provide enjoyable and challenging learning experiences, so that all children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners in line with our mission statement and vision for your child in our school ,
Aistear describes the types of learning (dispositions, values and attitudes, skills, knowledge, and understanding) that are important for children in their early years, and offers ideas and suggestions as to how this learning might be nurtured.
Our school is beautifully situated beside Breaffy Wood, two miles east of Castlebar on the main Castlebar-Galway road. There are 415 pupils on the roll. This is a mixed school catering for pupils from infants to sixth class. We have twenty-six teachers, one SNAs, a secretary , a caretaker and a cleaner.
Breaffy Road, Castlebar, Co. Mayo, F23WF99
Week Days: 09:00-3:00
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
©Copyright Breaffy NS - All images and photos created or owned by children or members of Breaffy NS Community.